Thursday, May 8, 2014

Solar Energy For All!

In July of 2013, New Hampshire passed a law allowing group net metering. What is group net metering? The easiest way to explain group net metering is to start with net metering.

Businesses and residential consumers who install and use solar panels are able to earn rebates for electricity they generate and return to the grid. This is known as net metering.

Group net metering allows those without their own solar power source to earn a rebate by joining forces with a solar power host. A host is a source of excess solar power that is returned to the grid. 

Members join a group that utilizes the excess power generated by the solar power host. The members are essentially committing to use the solar power generated by the host that is returned to the grid. Members are paid based on the amount of solar energy generated that returns into the grid. Payment is determined based on current conventional utility rates and amount of solar energy returned to the grid.

Group net metering also allows those with land or rooftops to install solar panels and become a host. Hosts will still have access to the various tax incentives, installation rebates, and grants available for those who install solar panel systems. This can sometimes be referred to as a “solar farm.” A solar farm is a cluster of solar panels created solely to generate excess energy to sell back to the grid to earn rebates.

Bright Light Solar is excited to announce that it is applying for the second group net metering application in the state. This will allow Bright Light Solar to offer consumers the option to partake in solar energy and earn a rebate. It also provides those with land or rooftops to become hosts for solar panels.

Bright Light Solar’s first group net metering project will be for an apartment building. The building’s owner is installing solar panels and will issue rebates to tenants. Not only will the owner save on his utility costs, the reduced energy costs will be a desirable amenity to attract tenants.

Group net metering can be quite confusing. Bright Light Solar is here to help consumers and hosts alike better understand how they can utilize group net metering to save on their energy costs. Contact us today to learn more!

1 comment:

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